JMS Air Conditioning and Heating Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

8 Reasons Why Our Furnace Service Makes a Difference

Monday, December 21st, 2020

You’ve already got a “furnace guy,” so why would you read a blog post like this? Well, you probably noticed by now that we said “our furnace service,” which is probably different from “your furnace service.” The truth is that every contractor performs their services differently, and we’d like to make the case for ours. We’re going to talk about our team and our company values that really separate us from the rest.

Of course, if you’re looking for the cheapest furnace service in Los Angeles, CA then you’re probably going to end up with someone else. We know what cheap work looks like and we don’t like it. We’re in this business to help homeowners avoid cheap solutions, invest in long-term comfort systems, and remain happy with budgets that save money. Keep reading to learn how we’re the team to help you in 2021.

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What a Satisfaction Guarantee Means for You

Monday, December 7th, 2020

Okay, we’re going to spoil this blog post right from the start. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on the work we perform. When it comes to heating in Los Angeles, CA, a guarantee can be a huge benefit to homeowners, contractors like us, and everyone involved in the heating work. Guarantees are a great way to build relationships, showcase our expertise, and really get homeowners to understand how important professional service is.

So, let’s talk about why a guarantee is so important. If you’ve ever weighed two prospective contractors, one of which had a satisfaction guarantee and the other didn’t, then we’ve got to tell you something you’ll want to know. Guarantees can keep you happy, keep your wallet full of the money you deserve, and keep your heating system functioning as efficiently as possible.

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Choosing the Right Pro for the Job

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

We just want to point out before we get into this lengthy post, that we appreciate all of our customers, prospective customers, and web surfers who read our blogs. Our tips are not meant to go unheard, and we’re always happy to hear about the success stories of homeowners that take the initiative of getting to know their HVAC systems a little better. That being said, we’d like to approach a topic that is long overdue.

Who do you turn to for HVAC services in Los Angeles, CA? No, that’s not a rhetorical question, we want you to say it out loud. If you proclaim it with a smile, then you’re probably in good hands. If you hesitate or even have to look their names up for a few minutes, then you might be able to do better.

We want to talk about why our team, specifically the crew at JMS Air Conditioning and Heating, is the premier HVAC provider in the area.

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Fall Time Is Furnace Time!

Monday, October 26th, 2020

Every time fall rolls around, it’s important for us to talk about the benefits, the problems, and the safety of a furnace. So many homeowners in our area and in counties across the country benefit from natural gas-powered furnaces, so think of this like a yearly PSA that helps to keep you and your family safe and cozy.

There’s nothing wrong with furnaces when compared to other heating systems. Even though a few homeowners tend to use electric heating systems because gas furnaces make them nervous, we assure you that gas furnaces have been safely utilized in homes for generations without any real problems.

The only problems that a gas furnace can deal with come from neglect. If you need furnace repair in Thousand Oaks, CA then be sure to call for it as quickly as possible. Only a trained technician can get to the bottom of it and keep your home safe.

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Repair or Replace: Which is Right for Your Furnace?

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020

Deciding between furnace replacement or furnace repair in Simi Valley is by far one of the hardest decisions a homeowner has to make. These units can be expensive, are impossible to live without, and last so long that their impending replacement can often be shocking.

Believe it or not, deciding whether or not your furnace is ready to be repaired or replaced can be done with relative ease if you know what you’re looking for.

Let us make the process easier for you by taking the difficult parts, like dealing with amateur technicians and having to make an uninformed decision, out of the equation. Take a deep breath and keep reading. We’ll go into detail about the different signs that show whether or not your system is ready to be replaced or if it is economically feasible to still perform repairs.

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Common Issues with a Heater in California

Monday, February 3rd, 2020

It’s no surprise that our climate in Hollywood is a little different than our neighbors in the United States. While they deal with frigid temperatures that are constantly dipping below zero, we panic when the thermostat dips into the forties!

That being said, unbeknownst to a lot of our neighbors around the country, we do have heaters and they tend to need service just like any other heater out there! In fact, we’re writing this post right now because there could be homeowners out there in dire need of heater repair in West Hollywood!

So, for all those who are struggling with their problematic furnaces, this post is for you. Hopefully, as we explore the most common issues with a furnace in our area, you can get a clearer idea of what you’ll need and who you can call.

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3 Signs of Imminent Furnace Repair

Monday, January 20th, 2020

Furnaces are complex pieces of machinery. When dealing with something as complicated as a furnace, you’re going to need to be one of two things: either a trained and certified HVAC technician or a vigilant homeowner who has done their research.

Without the training or a sharp ear, you might be confused when your heater suddenly breaks down in the wintertime and you had no idea it was struggling this whole time. That’s why we’re really keen on making sure that you’re up to speed on everything that could go wrong with your furnace and how you could notice the signs of upcoming problems.

In an ideal world, whenever your furnace is having trouble—you’ll know exactly when to call for furnace repair in Simi Valley, and a technician will be able to appropriately fix the problem in no time. So, how can you tell if your system is having trouble?

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Compare and Contrast: The Best Heaters in Beverly Hills

Monday, January 6th, 2020

We get it, the title is sort of an oxymoron. While it might not get chilly very often in Beverly Hills, there are plenty of days each year where a heater could be an important tool for your home.

The problem with this sentiment is that there are various different types of heaters to choose from in our area, and since our climate isn’t like our northern neighbors, we need to be careful that we don’t choose an inefficient system. Heating systems like boilers are usually just not versatile enough since they often work too well for a mild climate like ours. When it comes to HVAC services in Beverly Hills, you’re going to want one of two types of heating systems—either a gas furnace or a heat pump.

So today, we’re going to go over the differences between these two systems and how they function in regard to efficiency.

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Why Are Furnaces So Reliable?

Monday, November 25th, 2019

If this idea is news to you, then we’d like to fill you in. Furnaces are the most common type of heater in the United States, topping out as one of the most affordable, efficient, and yes—reliable. But today, we’d like to ask specifically why furnaces are so reliable?

In the past few years, furnaces in Los Angeles, CA have gone through a huge increase in efficiency and reliability. Each new furnace model that comes out has a higher efficiency ratio, is made of more stable metal alloys, and is usually equipped to function with a smart thermostat, granting an owner complete control over the temperature within their home.

So, what exactly makes these systems so affordable, comfortable, and reliable these days? The more important question is whether or not this is enough information to convert you into a furnace believer! Keep reading to find out.

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