JMS Air Conditioning and Heating Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Pasadena’

Is it Time for a New Air Conditioner?

Monday, July 15th, 2024

If your air conditioner is already older or you’re having a lot of problems with it, now may be the time to upgrade to a new AC. We know that it can be difficult to make this decision, especially if you are trying to get just a little more life out of your existing unit.

But we encourage you to consider an upgrade before your air conditioner breaks down for good. You can keep reading to learn more about signs that can indicate it’s time to replace your older air conditioner. You can also learn about the times when AC repairs make sense. When you’re ready, you can give our team a call for your AC replacement in Pasadena and we will help you every step of the way.

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What To Do If Your AC Has Broke Down

Monday, September 11th, 2023

An AC breakdown is something that no one wants to face. But from time to time, it does happen to homeowners in our area. When an AC breakdown happens suddenly, you may not feel prepared to make a decision about repairing or replacing your unit. Plus, you’re trying to stay comfortable in the interim.

We have some tips to share for all of the above concerns. When you need to schedule emergency air conditioning repair in Pasadena, CA, give our team a call. We are always here to help and would be glad to check out your air conditioner and see what’s going on. You can also keep reading to learn tips for staying cool while you wait for a repair or replacement.

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How AC Maintenance Helps With AC Repairs

Monday, April 24th, 2023

When you hear the term AC maintenance, you may think about activities that help care for your air conditioner. Examples include changing the air filter, spraying off the outdoor coils, and flushing the condensate drain with vinegar. But AC maintenance is also an investment that helps to prevent future AC repairs. 

If you want to stay ahead of air conditioning repair in Pasadena, CA, our team can help. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about how AC maintenance can help reduce the chances of major repair bills in the future. 

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The Leading Way to Prevent Furnace Repairs

Monday, November 21st, 2022

Your furnace is designed to last for many years – up to 20, in fact. Furnaces are also a heating option that is flexible enough to work in any home as long as there is good ventilation. But furnaces aren’t invincible. Your furnace requires regular maintenance at least one time per year in order to heat your home at its best. If you have noticed that your furnace isn’t heating as well as it once did or it’s breaking down more often, then maintenance can help you. 

It’s easy to ignore small furnace problems in hopes that they will disappear or get better. Unfortunately, they won’t. Furnace problems only get worse with time, and then you’ll be forced to address even larger problems. Keep in mind that this goes for both electric and gas furnaces. If you need furnace repair in Pasadena our team can help. Here’s why furnace maintenance is so important. 

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Three Ways to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Monday, September 12th, 2022

Your family’s health is a top priority. You wipe down surfaces in your home regularly and wash your hands frequently after touching things in public like shopping carts and door handles. Healthy foods are always at the top of your grocery list, but somehow your family still gets sick. Or maybe you suffer from allergies and want some additional relief. 

Either way, many bacteria and viruses are airborne, so you breathe them in no matter how clean you keep your hands. If you want to improve your indoor air quality in Pasadena, CA, our team can help. We’re air quality experts and we can help you find a solution that works for your home and needs. In the meantime, you can learn about the top three ways to improve your indoor air quality.

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Everything to Know About Refrigerant

Monday, August 1st, 2022

Does AC refrigerant run out after a period of time? What is refrigerant anyways? Is it dangerous to breathe it in?

Woah there! That’s a lot of questions. We are prepared to answer each and every one, but we’d also like to remind you that your air conditioner wouldn’t be filled with refrigerant if it wasn’t safe and effective at what it did. We’d even argue that air conditioners wouldn’t exist without refrigerant.

This is the blog post all about refrigerant, and we’re going to go through exactly what this chemical is and why it’s so important to the field of HVAC.

Long story short, if you arrived at this blog post looking for air conditioning repair in Pasadena, CA because your system is losing refrigerant, then you should call our team for help. But, while you’re waiting, you might as well learn a thing or two about this valuable material.

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The Insidious Problem of Mold

Monday, May 24th, 2021

Mold is a strange concept. We all know what it is, from the tiny specs of mold we find in expired food to the mold that we’ve seen grow outside in dark, damp areas of our property. It’s almost a force of nature–wherever there’s moisture and darkness, mold will begin to fester no matter how much you wish it away.

That being said, your home is different. Your home is your sanctuary, and no home should be forced to deal with a mold problem that’s both dangerous and uncomfortable. Our team provides air purifiers in Pasadena, CA for homes that need a high-tech advantage in the fight against growing mold and mildew.

To show just how important it is that you invest in the right indoor air quality solutions, we’re going to talk about why mold is such a problem in homes.

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Dirty Sock Smell? Here’s What’s Happening

Monday, May 10th, 2021

This is quite a common phenomenon, no matter what you might think is going on. Homeowners sometimes panic when they detect a foul odor like this, and they can assume the problem is way worse than it actually is.

Look, mold and bacteria that exist in parts of your home that are far away and undetectable can be a lot worse. Mold can infiltrate crawl spaces, air ducts, basements, and other areas for years without detection. We want homeowners to feel good with the fact that just by smelling this foul odor, you’re one step closer to solving the problem and keeping your home safe and comfortable.

So, it’s time we conquered the age-old question of what happens to your AC when you detect a dirty sock smell? Likewise, do you need air conditioning repair in Pasadena, CA? We’ll answer all of these questions and more down below.

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Your Compressor: The Key to Cooling

Monday, August 31st, 2020

What, is a compressor? No, we’re asking you! Sure, a compressor by its name would be something that pressurizes something else through compression, but what the heck does that have to do with air conditioning?

Don’t worry, we do know the answer to that question. If you keep reading, we’re going to go into detail about what the compressor does and why it’s so important to the cooling process. Often times when an HVAC technician tells you there’s a serious problem with your air conditioner’s compressor, that can usually mean either an expensive repair is afoot or the need for an entire system replacement.

If you know more about the cooling process and what your compressor does, then it might be easier when those hard decisions are prompted. You can trust us, we’re the experts of air conditioning repair in Pasadena, CA. So, let’s get to it!

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Remember to Replace Your Air Filter!

Monday, August 3rd, 2020

Air filters are important components of your air conditioner. Homeowners like to think of it as a luxurious bonus to having an AC system, but that’s far from the truth. Believe it or not, the air filter in your AC isn’t meant to clean the air for you. It’s mean to protect the air conditioner’s more sensitive components from being dirtied up by contaminants in the air.

If you’re one of those homeowners that likes to stay on top of things, then get ready to add your air filter to that list. Air filters need to be changed regularly, and when they’re not—you start to run into some serious problems. If you’d like to avoid seeing just how bad AC repair in Pasadena, CA can get, then we advise you to replace your air filter.

If you keep reading, we’ll talk about why these filters are so important for your air conditioner. We’ll discuss what they do, how they’re vital to the cooling process, and why changing them is the best thing you can do.

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