The recent wildfires have brought awareness to the hazards posed by wildfire smoke. The thick smoke produced by wildfires contains harmful pollutants, including fine particulate matter (PM2.5), carbon monoxide, and toxic gases, which can infiltrate indoor spaces and cause respiratory issues, eye irritation, and long-term health complications. One of the most effective methods to combat wildfire smoke is whole-house air filtration. By using advanced air filtration systems in Glendale, homeowners can significantly reduce airborne contaminants, ensuring cleaner, safer indoor air. In this blog, we’ll explore how to optimize indoor air quality during wildfires to keep your home’s indoor air clean and safe.
JMS Air Conditioning and Heating Blog: Archive for the ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category
How Can Air Filtration Help Mitigate the Impact of a Fire Event
Monday, February 10th, 2025It’s Time for a Ductwork Upgrade – Here’s Why
Monday, January 13th, 2025Your HVAC system’s attached ductwork plays a vital role in maintaining proper airflow, boosting comfort, and helping to lower energy costs. Ducts that are damaged or aging can greatly reduce your HVAC system’s efficiency, leading to poor indoor air quality and higher energy costs.
If you’ve noticed problems like uneven temperatures across rooms of your home, dust buildup, or rattling sounds, it may be time to schedule air duct repair in Glendale. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of investing in new ductwork for your Glendale home this winter season.
Three Ways to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality
Monday, September 12th, 2022
Your family’s health is a top priority. You wipe down surfaces in your home regularly and wash your hands frequently after touching things in public like shopping carts and door handles. Healthy foods are always at the top of your grocery list, but somehow your family still gets sick. Or maybe you suffer from allergies and want some additional relief.
Either way, many bacteria and viruses are airborne, so you breathe them in no matter how clean you keep your hands. If you want to improve your indoor air quality in Pasadena, CA, our team can help. We’re air quality experts and we can help you find a solution that works for your home and needs. In the meantime, you can learn about the top three ways to improve your indoor air quality.
3 Benefits of a UV Air Purifier
Monday, August 15th, 2022
Investing in a UV air purifier could be one of the best decisions you make for your home. Air purifiers, in general, provide a way to remove particles from the air, helping your family to breathe easier. UV air purifiers are a bit more helpful in that they could eliminate a wider range of health concerns. Here are three reasons why you should focus on a UV model if you are looking for an air purifier in Glendale, CA.
How an Air Purifier Removes Odors
Monday, June 6th, 2022
Have you ever wondered why a hospital smells the way it does? Or have you been perplexed by the idea that a meadow outside can smell amazing, but a brand-new home that was just built can smell foul? What’s the difference and how does the odor of an area permeate?
Well, it’s actually a lot simpler than you might think, but in order for us to tackle such a topic, we need to go back to our high school biology class and start looking at our air and our bodies in a different light. UV air purifiers in Santa Monica, CA can eliminate contaminants in the air and purify a home so that the people inside don’t get sick. However, it does one additional thing–it eliminates odors.
Keep reading as we talk about how odors work, how our noses work, and how a UV air purifier can actually make your house smell better!
The Two Main Types of Air Purifiers
Monday, April 25th, 2022
Indoor air quality should be one of the main things a homeowner is concerned with. Breathing in air that is filled with dust, pollen, and other allergens can be hazardous to your health. Rather than allowing these pollutants to remain in your air supply, you need to invest in a quality air purifier.
Since the average person spends roughly 90% of their life indoors, having allergen-free air to breathe in is important. There are two main types of air purifiers on the market and we will discuss both of them below.
5 Important Facts About Mold
Monday, February 14th, 2022
Mold is one of those insidious problems that’s known for being hard to get rid of. It’s like a monster from an 80s horror movie that just won’t go away, and it always tends to come back for the many sequels that are planned. While you might extensively go through your home to clean mold, you might not be cleaning the source of it. And, even if you do target the source, it still could be propagated through the air of your home.
If this sounds discouraging then we completely understand. But we’ve got a pretty positive perspective on mold that should help. The good news is that there are solutions that can help target mold and alleviate it, like a UV air purifier in Beverly Hills, CA.
Knowledge is power. And today, we know more about mold than we ever have before. So let’s dive into some ways to fight against it.
What’s the Big Problem With Dust?
Monday, January 3rd, 2022
There are thousands of articles all over the web about dust. It’s a pretty common material that can form after just a few weeks of living at your home, which is why people are always so concerned about it. Also, it can lead to some pretty bad problems with your quality of life. This is why we decided to write about it because it has different meanings for people who work in the HVAC industry.
When it comes to your HVAC system, your personal health, and your comfort, dust is a big problem. In those three categories, it can cause your quality of life to deteriorate while being obnoxious for anyone who comes to visit your house. Especially for people with an allergic reaction to dust, experiencing just a slightly dusty environment can be miserable.
After our blog today, we hope it’s pretty obvious why an air filter or air purifier in Glendale, CA is such a good investment.
The Cost of Not Getting an Air Purifier
Monday, October 25th, 2021
We talk a lot about the cost of HVAC equipment in this blog. A heating or cooling system is one of the largest investments you might make in your life, aside from a car or a home. That’s why we think it’s helpful to homeowners when we talk about the financial side of this industry.
Indoor air quality isn’t any different. There’s absolutely a cost to investing in an air purifier in Thousand Oaks, CA, but that cost should be weighed against the cost of not getting a system like this. Let us explain.
Getting sick more often, and experiencing foul odors throughout your home can be a net negative in a lot of ways. Your life might be uncomfortable and you might be inconvenienced by cleaning more, but these problems can also add up financially. Purchasing more tissues and cleaning supplies, going out to eat more, things like these are some of the expenses that come with forgoing this kind of important investment.
How an Air Purifier Eliminates Odors
Monday, August 16th, 2021
Air purifiers are indoor air quality systems that are designed to tackle a set of particular contaminants. While a UV air purifier might not be able to eliminate dust or dirt from your air, it will absolutely be able to kill germs like viruses, bacteria, and mold spores. Combining an air purifier with an air filter can give your home a two-pronged approach towards combating contaminants and making your home a safe and clean environment.
That being said, we don’t have enough time in one blog post to talk about both of these systems so we’re going to have to focus on air purifiers in West Hollywood, CA. We’ll discuss a specific advantage that these systems provide which is their ability to eliminate foul odors from your home.
How does this work? And do you need an air purifier in your home to help deal with circulating odors that are making you uncomfortable and your friends and family unhappy? Keep reading to find out!