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The Leading Way to Prevent Furnace Repairs

Your furnace is designed to last for many years – up to 20, in fact. Furnaces are also a heating option that is flexible enough to work in any home as long as there is good ventilation. But furnaces aren’t invincible. Your furnace requires regular maintenance at least one time per year in order to heat your home at its best. If you have noticed that your furnace isn’t heating as well as it once did or it’s breaking down more often, then maintenance can help you. 

It’s easy to ignore small furnace problems in hopes that they will disappear or get better. Unfortunately, they won’t. Furnace problems only get worse with time, and then you’ll be forced to address even larger problems. Keep in mind that this goes for both electric and gas furnaces. If you need furnace repair in Pasadena our team can help. Here’s why furnace maintenance is so important. 

Why Schedule Furnace Maintenance?

The best way to avoid an expensive furnace repair is to stay ahead with prevention. The only way to prevent furnace issues is to schedule regular tune-ups so an expert has the chance to check out your system. Sure, you can take a look inside your furnace and try to troubleshoot problems on your own. But if you don’t really know what you’re looking at, how can you fix anything? It’s easy to miss the signs of furnace repair needs when you’re not a trained professional.

Areas that a furnace expert will review include:

  • Furnace ignition
  • Air filters
  • Burners
  • Overall system settings
  • Loose components 

Air Filter in Your Furnace

Just like an HVAC system alternative, your furnace has an air filter that needs to be changed to maintain clean airflow. All filters have ratings and most are designed to be changed once a month or once every three months. When you don’t change the filter, you allow dust and dirt to clog up your system, prevent airflow and recirculate back into your home.

Unusual Changes

Your furnace should run with predictability. It always makes the same sounds and has a pattern when it turns on and off. When something sounds or feels off, listen to your gut instinct and reach out for expert help. If nothing is wrong then you can rest assured that your furnace is fine. But if something is wrong, you can get it fixed sooner rather than later. 

Signs that you don’t want to ignore include:

  • Major shifts in temperature without a reason
  • Hot or cold spots in your home
  • Unusual sounds or smells
  • The furnace turns on and off in cycles more frequently, which is also called short cycling

Lighten the Load on Your Furnace

If you want to reduce the stress on your furnace, invest in maintenance and take these steps. Preventing damage from unnecessary wear and tear can help extend the life of your furnace. When you’re away at work or traveling, set your thermostat a little lower and then raise it again once you’re back home again – or even before with a smart thermostat.

JMS Air Conditioning and Heating has your back. Call us today to schedule an appointment for an air purifier in Glendale, CA!

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