JMS Air Conditioning and Heating Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

It’s Not a DIY Fix: Why You Need AC Repair Professionals

Monday, March 27th, 2023

A lot of homeowners want to do as much as they can around their homes without calling in any outside help. While there are some DIY home repairs that you can do yourself, you should never attempt to repair your air conditioner yourself. In fact, it can actually be illegal to attempt to repair your air conditioner because you have to be certified to work on many of the components, including anything electrical or gas. 

Instead of risking more damage, call the experts in AC repair in Santa Clarita. Our team can ensure that the job is done right the first time, and we can even offer tips for how to maximize your AC efficiency. Keep reading to learn more about why DIY AC repairs are a bad idea. 

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Signs of a Freon Leak in Your AC and What to Do

Monday, February 27th, 2023

Your air conditioner likely uses a substance called refrigerant to cool your home. In some cases it also uses refrigerant to heat your home, but it depends on what type of system you have. Many people use the terms Freon and refrigerant interchangeably, although Freon is a specific brand name of refrigerant. 

No matter what you want to call it, having a Freon leak in your AC is a big problem. If you think that you have a Freon leak and went to schedule AC repair in Los Angeles, our team can help. In the meantime, keep reading to learn more about the signs of a Freon leak in your AC and what to do about it. 

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Signs of a Refrigerant Leak in Your AC and What to Do

Monday, January 30th, 2023

Let’s face it, air conditioning is always on our minds because it just doesn’t get and stay that cold here in Southern California. We tend to be much more concerned about our air conditioners than our heaters. And one common problem with AC is that the refrigerant can leak out. 

But just because it’s common, does not mean that it’s something you need to accept and put up with. Recharging refrigerant and fixing leaks is something we do frequently. So if you need AC repair in Los Angeles, give him a call. In the meantime, you can learn about the common signs of a refrigerant leak in residential ACs. 

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Grade Your Air Conditioner’s Summer Performance

Monday, November 7th, 2022

Fall means a break from the sweltering temperatures of summer for you and for your air conditioner! Your HVAC system worked hard all summer long to keep your family cool. Now that you have time to take a breather in between seasons, it’s important to take the pulse of your unit, so to speak. 

How did your HVAC system cool your home over the summer? Did it make keeping your home cool a breeze, or was it a little more challenging to get comfortable because your unit struggled? If your AC unit didn’t work as well as you expected, it may be time to invest in AC repair in Glendale. And even if your AC worked great without a single hiccup, maintenance is still important to maintain those impressive results. 

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3 Sounds Your Air Conditioner Should Be Making

Monday, July 18th, 2022

Not many things in this world work or operate silently. Even human beings, for as quiet as we can be, our stomachs, mouths, noses, and even hair make sounds as we move throughout our daily schedules. The trick to living a comfortable life is making sure your appliances aren’t disruptive in their noise pollution, so you can get quiet when you need it.

An air conditioner is one of those appliances that can make some loud and disconcerting noises. If your AC is making sounds that cause discomfort, we urge you to call our team for AC repair in Glendale, CA so that we can address the issue and get it fixed. Loud and uncomfortable noises are never a good sign and they always warrant the work of a pro.

Though, what kinds of noises are benign and common? That’s what this blog post is about today. Let’s discuss some noises that your AC should probably make when it runs.

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How Does Compression Work in Your AC?

Monday, March 28th, 2022

We all know that the most vital component of our air conditioner is the “compressor.” It’s referred to sometimes as the “heart” of the AC since, without it, your air conditioner is just an oversized fan. This is basically true, and it’s one of the biggest reasons why we advocate for homeowners to invest in AC repair in Los Angeles, CA when something seems wrong with the compressor. An air conditioner needs a functional compressor.

That being said, do you know how your compressor works? It’s alright if you answer “no” to that question. Not that many homeowners understand the technology in their AC units, and why should they? It’s not like we go through an “HVAC 101” class in high school or anything.

Well, consider today your first day of class in learning how compressors work. With this new information, you’ll hopefully be able to know your AC a bit better!

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How Much Does AC Repair Really Cost?

Monday, October 11th, 2021

One of the largest and most interesting reasons why homeowners stay away from professional AC repairs is because of the cost. People can get baffled by the increase in cost when a professional fixes your air conditioner as opposed to when an amateur or family friend offers to do it. At this point, it can almost feel like some companies are just charging more for no reason. Is this really what’s going on?

Well, it’s actually the opposite. As air conditioners have gotten more technologically complex in the past ten years and their efficiency levels have skyrocketed, they require much more high-tech equipment and training for solid repairs. If you’re on the market for AC repair in Thousand Oaks, CA, an amateur might offer cheaper prices because they’re using older, outdated tools or they might have never worked with such a high-tech system.

Here are a few good reasons to explain why AC repairs cost what they do.

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Is Conditioned Air Escaping From Your Home?

Monday, August 2nd, 2021

Nothing feels better than coming home on a hot day to a perfectly air-conditioned home. You check the thermostat and it’s sitting pretty at 68°, and you can open up a cool drink while relaxing. It really is one of those under-appreciated, best moments of the summer.

However, what happens when you get home and your home isn’t comfortable? The air conditioner is acting like it just ran a marathon, your thermostat is reading 68°, but things are definitely not as comfortable as they should be. What gives?

Well, the truth is that you could require AC repair in West Hollywood, CA, as well as some much-needed ductwork performed by professionals. If that’s not a satisfactory answer, then you’re not alone. Keep reading as we get into the details of how and why conditioned air could be escaping from your home.

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5 Reasons to Upgrade Your AC

Monday, June 7th, 2021

It is always hard to let go of old appliances because of the effort needed to research new products. However, with the advancements in technology that may have occurred since your last AC system purchase, it’s probably worth getting a newer model.

If you are looking for AC repair in Los Angeles, CA, JMS Air Conditioning and Heating have you covered. Here are 5 reasons to upgrade your AC:

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5 Things You Should Look for in Your AC

Monday, April 12th, 2021

Air conditioners are complicated. You probably already understand this. The problem with air conditioning repair in Glendale, CA is that homeowners don’t know enough about their AC systems to call us at an early enough point.

For example, we arrive at homes all the time where we’re expecting a simple repair, but it’s actually much more complicated than that because a homeowner couldn’t tell that the AC was struggling before that. We want you to notice when your AC is struggling before the system is at the breaking point.

So, to help curb this, we’re going to list out 7 common issues we see in many air conditioners. We’ll give you all the signs to look for so you know exactly when to call us for help. Remember, the more you know about your air conditioner, the better off you’ll be when it comes to saving money and feeling comfortable!

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