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JMS Air Conditioning and Heating Blog

Grade Your Air Conditioner’s Summer Performance

Fall means a break from the sweltering temperatures of summer for you and for your air conditioner! Your HVAC system worked hard all summer long to keep your family cool. Now that you have time to take a breather in between seasons, it’s important to take the pulse of your unit, so to speak. 

How did your HVAC system cool your home over the summer? Did it make keeping your home cool a breeze, or was it a little more challenging to get comfortable because your unit struggled? If your AC unit didn’t work as well as you expected, it may be time to invest in AC repair in Glendale. And even if your AC worked great without a single hiccup, maintenance is still important to maintain those impressive results. 

Grade Your AC’s Summer Performance

You know that kids get report cards from school with letter grades on them, usually from “A” as a top score to “F” as failing. If you graded your AC’s summer performance this year, what grade would you give? Learn more about how to rate your air conditioner and what each grade means. 

  • Grade Letter A – If you give your air conditioner five stars, that means it performed great all summer long and you had no concerns. With an “A” your air conditioner is either brand new or very well maintained. Keep up with your annual maintenance to maintain that “A” for years to come. 
  • Grade Letter B – Your AC cools your home pretty well if you give it a “B” for a grade. But, you may have had a hiccup here or there or at least a few concerns. Maybe you heard an unusual sound but nothing actually went wrong. Or maybe you noticed some loss in efficiency due to slightly higher power bills. Either way, a tune-up is a great way to keep your AC in good condition. A tune-up may even take you up to an “A” instead! 
  • Grade Letter C – When you look at grades on a report card, a “C” is average. It’s not great, but it’s also not bad. You pass, but not with flying colors. Maybe your air conditioner is still going strong, but unusual sounds are commonplace and you had to have it repaired at some point. That’s not terrible, but it’s time to start weighing the pros and cons. If the cost of repairs gets too high, it may be time for a new unit altogether. 
  • Grade Letter D – With a D, we suspect that your air conditioner was a real headache this summer. Maybe it broke down more than once or maybe it’s just not keeping your house cool enough. If your unit is older than 10 years, it may be time for a new unit so you can have the reliability of a system that works without any surprises. 
  • Grade Letter F – We see red flags! Are you trying to suck every drop of life out of your unit before replacing it? Now is the time! Give us a call to learn about energy efficiency rebates and how you can save on a new HVAC unit. 

JMS Air Conditioning and Heating has your back. Call us today to schedule an appointment for an AC service in Glendale, CA!

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