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Serving the Greater Los Angeles Area


4 AC Repairs to Look Out for


The problem with air conditioner repair in Glendale, CA is not the price or the hassle, but pinpointing the exact issue that needs to be fixed. Homeowners often wait too long, focus on the wrong symptoms, or just don’t know enough about their air conditioners, in general, to call a team of professionals at the right time.

Imagine you’re driving your car and it’s making a screeching noise the whole time, but as long as the check engine light isn’t on, you’re in the clear, right? Wrong.

Air conditioners don’t have the luxury of a check engine light and, even if they did, it’s no excuse to leave an AC system struggling only to be frustrated later when it breaks down. We’ll get into some of the more common AC repairs we find and how you can better notice them when they show up in your system.

Keep Your Eyes and Ears Peeled

The most important thing you can do as an owner of an air conditioner is to be vigilant. Using your eyes and your ears, pay close attention to your air conditioner as it runs. Do you notice anything strange? Has the system been working differently from when you first had it installed? Is your home not as cool as it used to be? The answers to these questions can be incredibly helpful to an HVAC professional.

1. Neglect

The worst problem that we encounter is general neglect. Leaving the thermostat too low, a clogged air filter that hasn’t been changed, or noises that have been loud but have gone largely ignored. General neglect contributes to a huge number of problems we see with air conditioners and generally leads them to lead shorter lives. If you’re in the mood for avoiding disappointment, don’t neglect your air conditioner and call us if you suspect something.

2. Short Cycling

When an air conditioner is improperly sized or is leaking refrigerant, it does something called “short cycling.” Short cycling is when your AC runs very frequent short cycles that lead to it turning on and off rapidly. This means your AC isn’t running its normal cycle and is putting stress on certain components of the system. Avoid a breakdown by contacting a pro if you notice this problem.

3. Refrigerant Leak

Do you notice a hissing or bubbling noise coming from the system? How about a decreased amount of cooling in your home? Refrigerant leaks can contribute to a plethora of problems, but they’re generally all very bad. You can call a team of professionals to recharge the refrigerant, but more importantly, you’re going to have to have a professional get to the bottom of why the refrigerant is leaking in the first place.

4. Electrical Problems

An air conditioner requires a lot of energy to run. We encounter many homeowners who are frequently trying to turn their air conditioners on after they automatically switch off due to a tripped circuit or electrical problem. Generally, these issues are easier to fix than others, but you’re still going to need professional help in order to avoid further problems down the road.

Do any of these issues sound familiar? Call the pros at JMS Air Conditioning and Heating to have them dealt with ASAP.

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