JMS Air Conditioning and Heating Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC efficiency’

3 AC Efficiency Tips for Everyday Homeowners

Monday, May 25th, 2020

When professionals look at air conditioners, two important factors come to mind. The first factor is cooling power, i.e. how cool your home is when it operates. The second factor is energy consumption because nobody wants to purchase an air conditioner that drains all the energy in their home. Both of these points need to be balanced on an every swaying scale, and that’s what we call efficiency!

Energy efficiency is the lifeblood of what HVAC technicians study. Half of our work is trying to decipher why your air conditioner is consuming so much energy, or why it’s not cooling your home to your proper standards. Though, what if we told you that there are things even you could do to improve the energy efficiency of your system?

Take it from your favorite HVAC company in Thousand Oaks, CA—you’re going to be delighted by the tips and tricks we have to offer when you realize they could save you a lot of money in the long run!

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